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पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
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बुधवार, २० डिसेंबर, २०२३

Nouns english grammar


1.Select the correct common noun

 Ex. Ram have you met your new boss?

A.haveB.met C.your D.Boss

2.Select the correct common noun. Ex. The car moved fast

A.moved B.the C.fast D.car

3.Select the common noun. Ashok and Mohan were enemies during the war.

A.and B. were C.During D.war

4.Select the common noun The doctor worked hard.

A.Th. B.Docto.  C.Fast. D. worked

5. Which words are abstract nouns

A.red,quick,sporty B.Sadness, fear, loyalty C.paintbrush, art, beauty D.Fan, Sports, beach

6. Which are exemples of nouns A.Swim, dona, study, earse B.Above, below, behind, underC.blue, large, beautiful, smart D.uncle, kitchen, Apple, respect.

7. What is a collective noun ?

A.Any person, okace, thing or idea B.A specific person, place, thing or idea

C.A noun that can be counted.

D.A noun that names a group of persons, animals, places or things

8. Which is the common noun ?

The dog barked loudly

A.The B. dog C.barked D.loudly

9. The bridge was opened in 1883 B.was

C.ioebed D.In

 A.Bridge close the gate A. The

D.none o this B.close C.gate

11. School Started early today.

A today B close C. Storted D.early

12Give the correct word for the collections given below.


A.fleetB.pack C.flight D Swarn 

13. lectures

А.group B.bunch c band D.course

14. Merchants

Chorde B heap C horde D Caravan 


15. goods

A.constellation B.consignment C.course


16. robbers

A.nordeB.group C.gang D.panel

Find the wrong pair from the pairs given below

A.Sailors - crew  B.people crowd

C.law code D, trees- group

18.Find the wrong pair from the pairs given below.

A.Directors- board B.Hounds - pack

C.Wagons-train D. Judges band

19. Find the wrong pair from the pairs given below

A.keys bunch.B.flowers-bouquet

 C. Robbers bunch D. Judge bench

20. Find the wrong pair from the pairs

A.Robbers gang B.Sailors crew

C. Soldiers army D.Students flock

21. Find the wrong pair from the pairs given below.

A.Geese gaggle B. Trees - fleet

C.People Multitude D.Sheep-flock 

22Which one of the following is not a collective noun

A.bunch B.flowers C.heap D.row Which one of the following is not a collective noun ?

23.Which one of the following is not a collective noun

A.caravan B.crew What type of noun is the under line word


Ex. wisdom is the better than strength

A.common noun  B.proper noun C.collective noun D.Abstract noun 

25.What type of noun is the under lined word

Ex. The crowd was very big.

A.common noun B.proper noun

C.collective noun D abstract noun

What type of noun is the linderline word. Ex. Integrity is best policy

A.common noun B.proper noun C.collective noun D.Abstract noun

27. Find the oddman out

A.Nanded B.village C.Nagpur D.Nasik


Choose noun from given alternatives

A.Village B.Nasik C.city

C.Aurangabad D.colony

Choose common noun from given alternatives

A.Mahatma Gandhi B.Strength

C.Choice D.Wowan

31. Which of the following is an abstractnoun


C.cheese D.happiness

32. Choose proper noun from given alternatives

A.Goat B.tiger C.cow D.Moti

33. An awl is used by a.......

A.Farmer B.shoemaker C.potter


34. Choose from the alternatives the noun form of the verb sit

A.sit B.sat C.seat D.sitting

35. What is the noun form of the given verb Describe

A.Describtion B.Distribution

C.Description D.Descripsion

36.Choose from the following the noun form of Brief 

A.Abbreviate B.Briefness C.BrieflyD.Breach

 37. Indentify the correct noun form fo Rely -

ARelying B Reliable 

C.Relines D.Reliance

 Which one of the alternatives would fill in the sentence? He won the gold....... in high jump 38.

A.middle B.meddle

C.medal D.medle

which one of the following alternatives is not a noun ?

A.Answer B.writer

C.River B.Reliable



40 India won the Hero cup. in this sentence the word hero cup is

A.A verb B.A noun C.An adverb

D.An adjectives

Fill in the blank choosing from the

alternatives the correct word A.. of ship collection.

A.flock  B.flight


42. Indicate the parts of the speech of the word : mice

A.Common noun 


C.Abstracy Noun D.Pronoun

43. What type of noun is the under lined word? wisdom is better than strength.

A.Common noun B.proper noun

C.Abstract Noun D.colletive noun

44. Write the noun form of strong

A.StrongerB.strength C.stringest



Which one of the following alternatives is not a part of speech

A.Noun B.verb C.Adjective D.proverb

Choose a noun that does not belong to the Group

A.Buiding B.city C.mount Everest D.Country

47. A.Budle B.Flock C.crowd D.Bird

A.Beauty B.ink C.Wood D.stone

Select the kind of noun for the under lined worlds Rohini went to the garden to see flock of birds A.Proper noun

B.common noun 

C.collective nounD.Abstract noun 

50. Right Brother invented the Aeroplane

 A.Proper noun  noun

B.common nounC.collective D.Abstract noun

51. Birbal was king Akbar's favourite minister.

A.proper nounB.common noun C.collective noun D abstract noun 

52 Dr. Rajendra prasad was first president. 

A.proper nounB.common noun

C.collective noun D abstract noun 

53 The solder was awarded for his bravery

A. proper noun B.common noun

C.collective noun D.Abstract noun

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